Director/President – Cal Yeaton
Sec’y – Steve Peterson
Treasurer – David Wellman
Manager – Shane Cote
Conductor – John Knox
The Band is one of the Kora’s oldest units, having been formed in 1929. Its mission is to provide a well-rehearsed and disciplined band for Kora Shriners furnishing music for Shrine gatherings and such other appearances as may be consistent with the nature and purpose of the Shrine subject to the approval of the Potentate. The band also promotes fellowship among its members.
Kora band is in the process of trying to rebuild our membership. Currently, we have around 15 Active Nobles. Any Noble is welcomed to join us who has any level of musical ability and a willingness to attend rehearsals and performances on a regular basis. He must, in most cases, own his own instrument.
Currently, we play small assemble music. In the past, the Kora Band had a Concert & a Marching Band, as well as, smaller ensembles within the group which included a Dance Band, German Band and Dixie Band. Our goal is to grow our membership so we can again perform and revive these ensembles.
A uniform is required for concerts and parades and is supplied by the unit. There are NO dues required. Members usually need to provide their own instruments, though we do have some instruments that can be borrowed. The Band will assist in transportation costs to the Northeast Field Days. All other transportation costs are up to the members.
Attendance is required at our meetings and rehearsals. Band Rehearsals, when called by the Director, are held at the Temple and are usually on the 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 7:30 P.M. The Band participates in 8 to 10 performances per year, these include playing for Shrine Ceremonies & Functions, as well as, community parades throughout Southern Maine. The Band tries to participate in the Northeast Field Days Festival of Music Program each year when possible.
The newly refurbished Kora Band Room is located on the third floor (or mezzanine level). You may climb the stairs to the top and the band room will be on your left or you can use the elevator, press the “M” button and enter the great hall and go towards the front of the building. The performs in the Band Stand which is in the great hall on the mezzanine level right inside from the main staircase.