2023 Units Bracket Challenge
January 31, 2023

The 2023 Units Bracket Challenge is underway. Which unit will emerge as the winner? The first rounds end on May 19. The winner will be announced at the Annual Christmas Party on Dec 2. Units get awarded points through various activities, including attending events, creating social media posts, keeping members informed via the website and the Sands, being the first line signer for new Nobles and other ‘surprise’ competitions during the year. Learn more from the Unit Leadership and in the member only section of KoraShriners.org. Good luck to all the units.

The rules are as follows:

  1. Bracket will be established by random draw at the Units Installation on January 27.
  2. Points will be announced and winners for each round will advance on the following dates (with calculations done based on the dates listed);
  3. All units that are eliminated in the first four rounds will continue to compete for third place, based on the total points earned during the year.
  4. Units will be awarded points based on the following:

  5. Divan Liaison members will count towards each unit that they are responsible for. Since the Potentate, Chief Rabban, Recorder and Treasurer do not have liaison assignments, they will count towards their original units (Klowns, Crazy Cops, Band, etc).
  6. Unit heads or their designee are expected to submit any requested paperwork by the dates listed.
  7. The overall winner, the runner up and the unit with the most total points for the year that is not the winner or runner up will be recognized appropriately at the Annual Elections/Christmas Party.
  8. Any Noble that does not belong to a unit, may become an unofficial affiliate of the unit for 2023 by simply emailing the unit director and Potentate ([email protected]) by the March 8 stated meeting.
  9. All decisions of the judges are final.

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