More Than A Fraternity

Kora Shriners

Shriner’s are a brotherhood based on fun, fellowship, and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief, and truth, with nearly 200 temples (chapters) in several countries and thousands of clubs worldwide. Our primary philanthropy is raising money for Shriner’s Hospitals for Children.



More Than a Brotherhood

Kora Shrine is a temple located in Lewiston, Maine. Our primary purpose is to raise money for Shriner’s Hospitals for Children. We are more than just a brotherhood fraternity – we are men sharing our best lives. Fun is our cornerstone and philanthropy is our keystone to fellowship. Brotherhood, family, compassion and service to others are in our foundation. We strive to serve mankind through the resources of its philanthropy, Shriners Children’s Hospitals.


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Kora Spring Ceremonial

Frank Santos Jr. – R-Rated Comic Hypnotist Live at Kora

Juston McKinney – Comedy Show Live At Kora

Summer Ceremonial


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