Kora Shrine Outdoor Expo

Kora Shrine Temple  ~ 11 Sabattus Street, Lewiston

April 11 – 13th, 2025

How Does The Raffle Work?

Step 1: Discover and Secure Your Chance to Win

Explore and Secure Your Winning Opportunity: Immerse yourself in our dynamic online showcase, featuring an array of prizes. As you navigate through the selections, easily secure your raffle tickets directly through our website. This streamlined process offers a fun and straightforward way to participate, enhancing your chances to win exceptional prizes.


Step 2: Digital to Physical Ticket Matching

Ensuring Every Online Entry Has a Physical Counterpart: For each raffle ticket you purchase online, our system automatically allocates a corresponding physical ticket. This step is crucial in bridging the gap between the digital and physical realms, ensuring that every online ticket you buy is represented by a physical ticket. This process upholds the integrity and fairness of the raffle, giving online participants equal standing in the event.


Step 3: Manual Ticket Processing and Placement

Diligent Preparation for the Raffle Draw: After matching your online tickets with physical ones, a member of our team carefully handles the next crucial phase. Each physical ticket, mirroring your online purchase, is manually torn and placed into the correct raffle basket. This careful process ensures that your tickets are physically present and mixed in with those purchased on-site, maintaining the essence of fairness and chance in the raffle draw.


Step 4: The Official Raffle Draw

Drawing Winners in a Fair and Transparent Manner: On drawing night, the much-awaited raffle draw takes place. A neutral party selects the winning tickets from each basket, ensuring that every participant, whether they joined online or in person, has an equal chance of winning. The results are then prepared for announcement, upholding the integrity and excitement of the Outdoor Expo raffle.


Step 5: The Joy of Winning and Prize Collection

Celebrate Your Win and Collect Your Prize: If fortune smiles upon you and your ticket is drawn, the celebration begins! You will be notified and can come to claim your prize on Sunday. This step completes your raffle journey, where joy and community spirit come together as you collect your festive prize.

Raffle Rules

Kora Shriners:
Outdoor Expo Charitable Raffle Rules

Raffle Information:
The Kora Shriners is hosting a charitable raffle in accordance with MRSA/1837-A. The total value of non-cash
raffle prizes is estimated to be $9,896.75.

Raffle Location and Timing:
The raffle will be conducted at the Kora Shriners Center (11 Sabattus St, Lewiston, ME 04240) and online at
https://korashriners.org/. It will commence at 12:00 PM on Friday, March 15th, 2024 and end at 4:00 PM on
Sunday, April 14th, 2024.

Ticket Sales:
Tickets will be available for purchase online via the Levin Marketing Solution LLC platform
(https://levinsolution.com), a State of Maine approved payment management system, from 12:00 PM on Friday,
March 15th, 2024, until 4:00 PM on Sunday, April 14th, 2024. Additionally, tickets can be bought in person at
the Kora Shrine Center from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM on Friday, April 12th, 2024, 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM on Saturday,
April 13th, 2024, and 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Sunday, April 14th, 2024.

Approved Purchasers:
For online purchases, buyers must allow GPS access through the online system and physically be within the
state of Maine during the transaction. Only debit cards will be accepted; credit cards and prepaid cards will not
be valid. In case the platform fails to recognize the payment method, the transaction will be declined, and the
purchaser will be prompted to use an approved payment method. Purchasers must be at least 18 years of age.
On-site purchases require buyers to be at least 18 years of age and payments are exclusively accepted in
cash. Credit cards or checks will not be entertained.

Prize Packages:
The raffle features 19 prize packages of varying value, totaling an estimated value of $9,896.75. Each ticket
purchased can be placed into any of the available prize packages.

Ticket Price:
Tickets can be bought through an approved payment method for $0.50 per ticket, with a minimum payment
amount of $5. During the first week of online raffle ticket sales, all prize package raffle tickets will be half price;
$0.25 raffle ticket.

The manual drawing to determine the winners of each prize package will take place at the Kora Shrine Center,
11 Sabattus St, Lewiston, ME 04240, on Sunday, April 14th, 2024, commencing at 5:00 PM.
Attendance at Drawing:
Winners need not be present at the drawing to claim their prizes.

50/50 raffle:
50/50 raffle tickets are sold in which 50% of the proceeds are awarded in prizes to the winner. 50/50 raffle has
a maximum amount of $9,500. Once the maximum is achieved, the winner is drawn and a new 50/50 raffle is
started. The final drawing on Sunday night would be based on the value of the pot at the closing of raffle sales.
Online and in person raffle tickets and winnings will be kept separate.